Landscaping Dublin

Landscaping Dublin is the act of modifying certain visible features of an area of land. This includes flora and fauna, most commonly known as crafting and gardening. The goal is creating a beauty within the landscape. It also includes natural elements such as landforms, terrain shape, and bodies of water. And also lighting.

There is a lot to learn about landscaping and with the help of the right professionals, you will surely achieve your dream and vision. There are a number of landscape artists in Dublin.

Here are some that we can recommend:

Some environmental benefits of landscaping:

  • Natural coolants. Grass is cooler than asphalt or cement. Having plants and trees in your yard also makes the breeze in your home cooler as we all know that plants produce oxygen.
  • Environmental Cleaners. Plants, grass to be exact, play a vital role in capturing dust, smoke particles, and other pollutants. And it also produces oxygen, like stated above.
  • Water Protectors. Healthy lawns absorb unhealthy runoff that might filter into other bodies of water.
  • Air Cleaners. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and break it down into oxygen and carbon. Fun fact: a 50’x50′ lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of 4.
  • Minimizes noise. Lawns and plants reduce noise pollution as they can reduce noise levels by 20-30%, unlike concrete and pavement.

The scope of landscaping is very wide and cannot be summarized in a small article like this one. To know more about landscaping, stay tuned on’s blogposts.

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